A charming inland area between Caorle, Portogruaro, Motta di Livenza and San Donà, crossed by the Livenza river and rich in history. It is a classically flat area with highly developed agriculture.
There is also an active industrial area and a newly built centre, which make local hospitality even more welcoming. The municipality also includes the villages of Corbolone, Bivio Triestina, La Salute di Livenza, Biverone, San Alò, Ottava Presa, Bosco and Sette Sorelle.
Worth Visiting
The Cathedral of Santo Stefano Protomartire (1864)
Church of the Rosario (1568)
Church of San Marco (1524)
Church of San Pio X (1920)
Beata Vergine delle Brazie – Capitello del Buso (1920)
Church of Sant’Antonio
Church of the Madonna della Salute
Oratory of Santo Stefano
Don’t Miss
An extremely interesting landscape, as there is one of the largest forests on the Veneto plain – the Bandiziol- Prasaccon forest, where many migratory and resident animal species gather. There are also places from which to observe and study them. There are lots of nature trails and newly built cycle paths, which can connect the forest from the centre of the village to the nearby village of Torre di Mosto.