In Cona, there is a special landscape waiting to be discovered that retains the charm of a difficult but ultimately successful history in a challenging terrain, now served by a drainage network and efficient water treatment plants. It is a landscape where you can discover the beauty and unique nature of many of the local buildings, which still retain their original features. These are imposing structures built to last, often with large porticoes, whose regular layout recalls religious buildings, especially the cloisters and courtyards of Benedictine monasteries. Examples are Villa Eurosia, Villa Tassi, Villa Padronale Metiche di Monsole, “Corte Civrana”, Villa Morosini-Giovannelli, the majestic Villa Bonicelli-Treves and, finally, Villa Garonzi.
Worth Visiting
Chiesa arcipretale di Cona, the church rebuilt in the early 20th century
Bonicelli-Treves villa from the 18th century period
19th-century, neo-Romanesque-inspired Villa Eurosia
Villa Tass dating from the second half of the 19th century, with a typical Veneto manor house layout
Villa Morosini-Giovannelli with its characteristic multiple staircases, leading to the main floor
Villa Padronale di Monsole, a typical example of an agricultural and residential manor house